East Coast Figure Artists


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December 2000

The meeting kicked off with discussion about the club's goals for 2001. An annual dues of $10 was voted in and then the classified ad in the upcoming Amazing Figure Modeler's magazine. This ad will hopefully attract the "locally un-informed" figure fanatics to join us in our monthly gatherings. As the club grows the magazine has also shown an interest in doing an article about the club. The ECFA will once again take part in local IPMS shows, with about four shows in the forecast. Our presence, backed by a solid display, demonstrates a commitment to our passion and may "infect" others along the way.

Bill Pritchard gave a history of local clubs and the way they conducted their affairs. Bill will be a very key ingredient to helping our growth with his vast experience. 2001 looks to be a great one for the club, and now let's see who's buildin' what and how...

John "Master Basher" Delamere put the surgical tools to the Solarwind Lyra kit. John removed the head and replaced it ith the Sandra Bullock/Demolition Woman kit, re-worked the arm and topped it off with a killler paint job. John also showed off his latest purchase, the Sugita-"Beauty and her Champion". There's no doubt this one will be altered to create a one of a kind gem.

Anthony Anese has built up the Polar Lights Bowen Wolfman and is getting ready to put the paint to it. Jay Gordon, our resident Dark Shadows fanatic, had a rare Barnabas Collins kit. John Dagdidgian got into the Christmas spirit, bringing in the Grinch and Max kit, John "spaced out" on us, with the Planet of the Apes ship and 2 Star Trek ships, classic and Next Generation.

The long distance member, Neal DeConte, trekked in from Rhode Island with a 1/1 scale Pinhead Cenobite bust, nicely rendered with pastels for a very natural look. Neal also brought in the Screamin' Deniro Frankenstein, shown in progress with a sculpted coat, making this kit look much more imposing. The GeoMetric Creature also graced the table, Neal's got alot goin'! Charlie Kuphal brought in a nice pre-painted piece from Fantasy Creations, a knight on horse back.

Traci Briery had a boat load of stuff for us to gawk at: The Toy Biz collection of the Hulk, Spiderman and Wolverine, A stop motion Samurai that Traci had built a while back (We're still waiting on the release date of the film "Samurai Kit Basher meets the Salem Witches Coven" or maybe it was called something else...) Traci also had an ultra cool paper Chopping Block toy she picked up in England recently.

Ovi Raffa built up the Billiken Frankenstein, complete with Balsa foam base and accessories. Ovi's love of animation is evident with the showing of the South Park kid's kit and the Fred Astaire/Special Delivery Kluger. Kit Veteran William Pritchard showed us 2 barbarians, small in scale, but large in presence. Bill's experience in oils is a big plus for the members who want to tackle this technique. Uncle Bob took the Sideshow Mole Man, puttied him up and re-painted it. The Steve Wang/Horizon Gillman and conferred with the gang on how to finish off the man-fish.

- Robert "Uncle Bob" Maxwell