The next meeting is Sunday,
September 2nd, at Harrison's Comics & Collectibles in Salem from 2pm to 5
pm, unless Labor Day plans cause too many to bail
out. Stay tuned...!
we got kits...
The summer months
can be lean for meetings, but we made up for it in
cool loot. Traci Briery finally finished her
sculpture of a raven dressed as an English Yeoman
Warder, aka Beefeater, for her friend's February
birthday. But February 2001 or 2002?? Also
present was a GI Ape in progress, meaning GI Joe
will be switching species shortly. Magic
Sculpt and dime store fur can do wonders for one's
complexion. Going back to her sewing project
roots, she also made a plush version of Spike from
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, due to be sold
for charity. She also had some naked plastic
dolls lying around, but the less said about those,
the better.
John Dagdigian
brought a vacuformed kit of the Stingray,
from the old TV show... er, Stingray.
Yes, brought to us by the folks behind that most
famous Puppetoon show, The Thunderbirds!
John also brought a very, very mini version of the
Mother Ship from Close Encounters of the Third
Kind. He showed us the backdrop he
intended for it, which was a mockup of outer space
with a spiffy nebula down the middle.
Andrew Cheever
brought many anime kits, all with instructions
entirely in Japanese, of course. Next
stop: bringing the finished products!
Nick DeMakes
stopped by after a long absence with two
Batmans... Batmen... Caped Crusaders. Both
were bashes of different Bat-kits, such as the
first, which combined a spare Adam West head with
Superman's body with... well, you get the
idea. His second combined a Batman Returns
kit with another spare head and a batarang from an
Aurora kit. Or an Aurora reissue? Last
but not least was his severely Burtonesque,
hand-tweaked windup alarm clock, which for reasons
unknown, was not photographed! Maybe it
can't show up on film?? Nick has his own
site at
Is it not nifty? Worship the site.
John Delamere, as
always, had loads of loot. This month was Young
Frankenstein month, as John brought in
Sideshow Toys' whole line of Young Frankenstein
12" figures. All of them are highly,
highly poseable, come with loads of accessories,
and are even painted in black and white, just like
in the movie. And best of all, the head and
hand sculpts for Peter Boyle were much better than
the sculpt for a kit John bought years ago. Now the kit has the correct head and hands.
Dimensional Designs created Igor ("no, it's
pronounced Eye-gor") in the same scale as the
Creature kit. Final Fantasy shared
billing with Young Frankenstein, too.
John had 12" and smaller dolls of Dr. Aki
Ross and Gray Edwards, who looks like Ben Affleck
but sounds like Alec Baldwin. The larger Aki
Ross had Super Limbo Action, which has to be seen
to be believed. Rounding out John's stash this month were a yet-unbashed Vampirella kit and
a new 12" Matrix doll, this time of
Keanu Reeves in his "real world" clothes
(and hair, or lack of it). He should be
having a most excellent adventure soon.
Jay Gordon smuggled
in a "deformed" Bela Lugosi as Dracula
(looked kind of like a "Waccky Wobbler,"
in fact!). The likeness was quite good for a
"deformed" kit! But Jay, why did
you leave without getting a pic??
Last but never least, Robert
Butler, without whose digital camera most of the
gallery would not exist, also brought in his
4-inch pet shark and a real giant clam
shell. A baby giant clam shell, but a real
one, nonetheless.
Traci Briery, playing the part this month of Uncle