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Robert Maxwell
Co-founder of the ECFA (originally known as the New England Kitbuilders' Club), "Uncle Bob's" specialty is painting, and has even gotten money for just that. Bob claims to work in an area not much bigger than a small placemat. Donations allowing him to buy a full-sized studio may be sent to... HA HA! Click on any of the thumbnails below to get a bigger view and a description of "how he did it."


Countess Karnstein


Ovidio Raffa

Rather than try to pin down Ovi's specialty, since he seems to have many, from painting to "bashing," just worship the kits instead.

Woo woo woo woo!

Get the stinking humans!

Come on in!


Linda Blair as Regan

Rob Valentino
Long-time member Rob Valentino has won numerous awards for his works, including a recent GraniteCon in Nashua, NH. Click on any of the thumbnails below to get a bigger view and a description of "how he did it."

ABC robot


The Penguin

Sculpey at play